
4:22 pm


Well, first things first. It's March. Can you believe it?
It wasn't that long ago we were opening presents and enjoying the carefree January sunshine. 
Wondering what great projects and wonderful adventures we would be getting up to in 2013.
Now three months on, its properly a good time to check in on those New Year resolutions.

Our creative director Brenda shares her's with us.
Did you make any? Have you kept them?

one. Be less Digital
Social Media has taken over my life. I love it, I really do. But to be honest, I love my family more. (sorry instagram) So I decided to be 'off line' more while in the family home. Having a two year old really does make you realize your good and no so great habits. My daughter is quite obsessed with technology, which seems to be the norm these days. But when first thing in the morning all she wants to do it watch 'youtubes' you know something has to change. Running a business that relies on social media is, well, important but time consuming and I decided I needed to be more present in my real life than my digital life.

Well, maybe in some area's this has happened and in others it has not. I don't have a computer at home and my iphone charger now lives in the kitchen, so my phone is plugged in at night and I'm not tempted look at it first thing in the morning, or emails during the night. Such a bad habit! But Instagram is still my guilty pleasure. I will never completely be 'off line' but at least now I know how important it is to live in the moment away from a screen.

two. Eat breakfast as a family
We are not morning people in our household, me in particular. Breakfast has always been a bit of toast and a cup of tea in between putting on shoes and brushing hair. I began to noticed that Milla wasn't really that into it and that she never really ate much at breakfast time. I finally realized it was because we ate all our other meals together, at the table, as a famliy. So to her, breakfast wasn't really a meal, she was treating it more as a snack. So this is another resolution decision made clear to me by my daughter.

This is one that I have kept and enjoy more and more every morning. Milla helps me set the table and usually ends up eating more than me. The last month I have been away and this is one of the things I missed the most. It really is the best time of the day.

three. Exercise
I've never been into exercise. I've never joined a gym. I loved sport in high school but the last team sport I played was netball back in 1996.
I know, I know. Its addictive, once you start, you can't stop.  Its the starting that's the hardest part.
But with a back yard that looks like this, I really have no excuse.
Photo credits @Life in a Bubble
This is one resolution that has gone completely by the wayside. I haven't even started, or made any attempt at an exercise regime. But its going to happen, It has too.
Im getting older and hopefully wiser, and I know that I have to start looking myself physically. I always thought i'd be one of those woman commenting on how their body at 40 is much better than in their 20's. So I have another 8 years to make that happen....
Ok, Ok I promise I will do the 'City to Surf' this year, and with my new found love of Nike, its a match made in heaven.

So thats it. Three resolutions. One I've kept, one i've sort of kept and one I've made no attempt to keep.
But the year is not over so I'll keep you posted.


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